Dr. Campbell has helped me to be truthful to myself
The way Dr. Campbell counsels is very different from any other person because when she is talking to me, she first makes me feel comfortable to speak freely.
Operation Jumpstart Legacy and Dr. Campbell has helped us save our marriage.

The odds were stacked against us, so much without marriage and us individually as well as our children.
Dr. Campbell and OJL have been a blessing

what Dr. Campbell did for us is help us to realize that you could be in love with your spouse and still need to work through some things.
Dr. K taught me how to deal with the emotional needs of my wife!

Dr. Campbell assisted me individually by sharing the knowledge and insight of what a man should be to his wife, to his children, both spiritually and physically.
Dr. Campbell’s services have truly been a blessing to me and my husband

When I tell you she shed so much light and hope on our marriage I walked away feeling whole whereas before I was broken
I came to OJL a very broken individual

I would recommend OJL to anyone who is looking to grow, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Contact Us
Dr. Kadijah Harris-Campbell